[EN]Interview de One1

Interview de One1

One1 : Who are you ? Say quickly what have you done in v1, and what will you do in v2 ;)"
One1 : I'm Cluster_C right now... In round 3 I was One1. In rounds 2 and 1 I was foolio.

In round 1 I joined late into the round. Round 2 I was in CK for the majority of the round and I am the only player to ever be ranked #1 in both general and influence ranking at the same time. No one has ever done that and no one ever will.
In round 3 I'm known for running RW as an elite terrorist group. We bash and BH the cores of players whom we did not approve of. We bashed people such as Hammer, YourMother, Erod, Daman, Fabulous, Fabuline, Cedric, etc...
I'm know for starting several wars and starting the largest battle every in hyperiums when I took all of -,- to attack NUKE in +,+. That failed though.
I started QD* which became rather quickly one of the largest and arguably the most powerful alliance in the game. AFter having organization issues I disbanded most of the QD*'s ordering everyoen back into FEAR and kept QD1 on as an elite organization to work alongside TWF.
One1 : One1,
Some presidents I already interviewed ( ok, this is not too much ;) ) speak about you like a dangerous player...( for example, Willem, president of JH )
What do you think about that ?
Are you thinking you are a "dangerous" player ?"
One1 : In short, yes. But I'm no more dangerous than other leaders.

Willem and JH, as I've always said, have the most intelligent players in this game. They are masters at figuring out unique tactics and executing them.

Durnan is probably the single best tactician in this game and with T9H he leads probably the most active and vicious group of players in the game.

Master and Kronos are both fools and they lead a band of disorganized miscreants. Neither one of them will ever wield any true power in this game. They have the experience but lack the skill.

There are very few that I personally fear in this game. I'd say JH as a whole or any group connected with Jenar/Durnan.
One1 :Now, can you present your alliance, CK, in v2? Is it the same that in R2 ? Or like T9HV2 a new thing but with the same spirit ? One1: CK is not what it was before. But we still atempt to embody the same traits. Honor, dignity, loyalty, and trust.
There are few of us left from the original CK, and because of changes in the game we can never again achieve what we had before. But we can attempt to build something anew based on the same values. Répondre
One1: Ok, now let us speak about v2...
Your feeling on it ? Some features you pay a special attention for it ? Somethings that must be absolutely corrected ? One1: like V2... But then again I'm biased in a way. I love systems. I love finding new systems and figuring out ways to solve the problems in them. DG's systems are the best. I love how complicated things are. So I love anything he does.

But V2 is not good. I think DG made a big mistake ending the beta as early as he did. I'm not going to state the reasons why I think he did it, but I think the beta should have run for a much longer time. It's horrible.
One1 : Well, what is not good in v2 ? Which features ? Don't you want to describe the system ?
One1 : Pretty much everything...

There are still major bugs in every system. The trading system is horrible and needs massive balancing for the most part.
Because of the trading system we are going to launch into a game in which those who get a good start are going to shoot ahead of everyone else so fast that they'll almost never be caught up with. THe trading system was meant to create a perfect market in DG's mind but instead has made it so that the smaller players won't be able to compete and achieve the market share that they need to increase their income. QUite the contrary will happen. The smaller players, despite even massive investments into trade, will see their incomes steadily decreasing.

DG is aware of why this will happen so I won't go into it. Other than that the combat system is a little buggy and can be exploited in certain ways but I think DG has done a good job with it. Better than it was in V1. Fleets need to not show up as separate pieces to the players who do not own them as that causes issues in and of itself. Fleet managements and tradge management both take forever right now and are a pain in the ass.

Additionally, due to DaGods bot protection, many people are getting banned for 20 minutes all the time! I have it happen on average about 5 times a day when doing just routine tasks. Not even going quickly... that needs to be adressed.

Additionally there are issues with player ID's and player locations being used to find out who players are making no one anonymous any more despite name changes.

Also there are major problems with being able to manipulate HTML in your browser to get data that you should not have access to.

I think DG is realeasing V2 WAY too soon. I think we'll see a hard reset within 3 months and that this official V2 release will be the real beta test in my mind. Or the second phase of the beta.

I didn't want to initially say it but I think DG is releasing it to get income back into the game. BUt that's just a thought. I believe it's a waste and that many of us will see months of work go down the drain yet again.
One1 : It seems Kronos well...are not in love with you ;)
What have you done to him to have a such result ? ^^ One1: It actually started in round 1. I was a noob to the game and Kronos had been in the game for a while in an alliance called TIE I believe.
I attacked one of his planets not knowing what I was doing. So he and his allies retaliated by attacking planets of mine with overwhelming forces.
My allies then came in and wiped his alliances from the game completely. That was the start... the whole time he was an asshole while I was a noob. He was just a prick to me.

I don't recall if we had any interactions in round 2. But I dominated round 2. I was the highest ranked player in the highest ranked allinace. I held first influence ranking for a very long time and at the same time held up top 10 general ranking for more than 80% of the round. I later achieved first general and first influence ranking at the same time. Something no one else has ever done and ever will.
There was a minor cold war between us during this time but he never had anywhere near the power to fuck with me. I would have crushed him. At that point I was powerful enough to take on most alliances just by myself. And of my 30 allies every single one of us was in the top 50 rankings. No one could touch us. And we ended the round that way.

That whole time he was Diablo... In round 3 he changed to kronos. I don't rembmer what started it all. I think it was shit talking on the general forum. Kronos would always run from alliance to alliance changing tags to avoid his enemies. I tried to bash him at one point and he found out it was coming. He went into vacation mode. So instead of bashing him we destroyed his allainces --- and /---/. We destroyed them so badly with the fleets we were going to bash him with that they disbanded and created Ro*.
Then time and time again I crushed Ro* to its knees. 3 times in total I brought them to the point where I could have annihilated them completely, the whole time taunting kronos.
I bashed kronos again later. I should add, that with NUKE, he and his allies did bash me early in the round. This was really early though, maybe 3 months after the soft reset (and also 3 months after I rejoined hyperiums as I'd been away for almost 6 months.)

So I basicially kept him and Master both on their knees the entire time. I've bashed kronos and master both now into nothing and destroyed every remnant of their allaince forcing them to disband if they didn't want to lose all their planets.
The whole time this all happened they kept fleeing to other alliances.
One1 : Second question : CK is allied with T9HV2, right ? How have it been possible ? How long can it last, regarding your personnality and Durnan's personnality ? "
One1 : CK and T9H may or may not be allied. :-p

As for me and durnan... I've nothing but respect for him. It may seem that our personalities will clash but in fact they work well together. The way I act on the general forum and to the public is not how I am with my allies.
Durnan is the single most intelligent tactician in this game. It's an honor to work well with him. I compliment him well with my ideas and my ability to analyze hyperiusm systems, motivate people, and organize events. That is what I am good at.
When he is right, I recognize it and we go with his idea. And vica versa.
One1 : Who do you respect a lot
One1 : Durnan, Pops, Guldur, Bolide, Delgurth, Apple (:-p), Gwrylys (:-p).
One1 : Who don't you
One1 : Master, Kronos, Daman, LKT
One1 : Which alliances do you fear ?
One1 : None. There is no reason to fear other alliances as I find solutions for problems. If another alliance becomes a problem I will find a solution for that problem. This does not mean that I feel I am not vulnerable to these allainces. I just try to keep up with information.
One1 : Have you somethings special to add ?
One1 : I'm the most vindictive son of a bitch to ever play this game. People would do well to remember that.
In addition, please note that "Foolio" will be back in round 4.
One1 : What do you think about pink elefants ?
One1 : I feel that the "pink" elephants are truly the greatest of the elephant race. Though many people underestimate them due to their color they are in fact the most creative and organized group of them all and they keep to the shadows. When weighing the success of the pink elephants one must compare them as well to the success of other such "Pink" groups as the Pink Bunnies and the Pink Wombats.
One1 :What is you prefered food ?
One1 : CHEESE! FUck yea... CHEESE.

Mmmm... I can't eat much more cheese right now though. I'm going on a diet so I can start body building again. :-(


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